Since I will be out with the baby soon, I have been working with the Inspire praise team to train them on how to lead worship. We've been working for weeks on hand signals, ad-libs, knowing the song format, etc. Well this past week was their first time leading on their own, and I was so proud of them! They did an amazing job, and I felt like a proud mama! Before we sing, we always go find a quiet place to pray together. Before we prayed, I felt led to share some words of encouragement with them. I knew they would be nervous and anxious since it was their first time leading, and I remember how that felt. I remember so well, because even though I've been singing for a long time, I still get nervous! So, here are some words of encouragement I wish someone would have told me when I first started leading.
1. "Don't be anyone else, but yourself. YOU ARE GOOD ENOUGH!"
I know I've talked about this in a previous blog, but it is so important to remember! It is so easy to get caught up in comparison. We often look at others and watch what they do; think that just because that person got a crowd engaged that way, that's the only way to do it. Nope! You have to figure out what works best for you. You have to figure out what your style is as a leader. Don't feel inadequate because you don't sing like this person or you don't exhort like that person, YOU ARE GOOD ENOUGH!
2. "If I didn't think you could do it, you wouldn't be up here."
I remember thinking "why would they ask me to lead? I know there is someone better than me that can lead this song." I needed to know that my leaders had confidence in me. I needed to know that my leaders weren't putting me up there to embarrass me or make me look foolish. I needed to know that they put me up there because they genuinely felt I could do it. I now realize that they recognized an ability to lead that I didn't yet see in myself.
3. "People are mainly speaking from personal preference when they give you feedback."
Leading is such a vulnerable place to be. Because you are out in front, people feel like you're fair game for any and all feedback or "advice." They just want to be able to say they talked to you. It irks me to no end when people feel the need to share their thoughts on how you did and sounded especially when they've never been and will never be where you are. Even people who have been where you are can sometimes be negative in their comments. Why? They don't want you to progress further than them. It's sad, but true.
4. "Be cautious of any feedback you receive."
When I say "be cautious," I mean pray for a level of discernment when it comes to the feedback you will most definitely receive. Ask the Lord to show you if the feedback is something you can use, or if you should leave that feedback where it was given. Remember most times people are giving you feedback based on their personal preference. If we applied every piece of feedback we heard from people, we'd be too busy being who everyone wants us to be instead of who God created us to be.
5. "Ultimately, you have an audience of 1."
Our only objective when we lead should be to please and seek the approval of the Lord. I decided awhile ago that even if nobody accepts the invitation to stand, clap, or sing with me, I will give the Lord my absolute best. My worship and gift belongs to Him, not to the people. If they choose not to engage in worship, that is between them and God. Don't take it personally if the people don't stand up or tell you, you did a good job. Remember, people have personal preferences and you can't become bound by those. As long as the Lord is pleased, it doesn't matter if the people "approve" or not.