When I was in college, I had this overwhelming fear of failure specifically when it came to singing. I thought that once I got the mic, I would have some embarrassing mishap. I thought I would forget the words or my voice would crack trying to hit a high note. One day while in prayer the Lord said to me, "When has anything I've ever made failed? I made the sun and the moon, and they still shine."
If you're dealing with a fear of failure, know that God made you and nothing He makes fails. The sun and the moon were created years and years ago, and we still see them today doing exactly what they were created to do. We are fearfully and wonderfully made so there is no scenario where we fail doing what God created us to do. I've mentioned this in an earlier post, but I feel it necessary to say again: God has given you the grace to do exactly what He's called you to do. You will not fail. You will be successful. You will accomplish what God has set before you.
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