I would like for you to meet my husband, Lee. We met while in Souls A'Fire at Oral Roberts University in the fall of 2014. He can tell our story better than I can, but I'll do my best!
Our story begins when a mutual friend, also in Souls, asked us to be a part of a ministry opportunity at a local church in Tulsa. From there, we began hanging out in a group of friends but we quickly found ourselves hanging out alone. We would do homework together or meet up to eat dinner in the cafeteria. I remember our first friend "date." We went to a Mexican restaurant, and I played Trivia Crack the entire time. I found out later that Lee doesn't eat Mexican food, and he only downloaded Trivia Crack that night to get my attention.
In the spring of 2015, I realized that I was really starting to fall for him but I was also casually dating others at the time. See I had been in a relationship for 4 years, and I wanted to know what other guys were like. I was thoroughly disappointed in the guys I went on dates with to say the least. After 1 or 2 dates, I had to let them know it wasn't going to work. But I digress. Spring break of 2015, we had gone on a trip to Chicago with our group of friends. Leading up to Spring break, the only guy I was seeing or talking to was Lee but I still wasn't bold enough to tell him I liked him. One night on the trip we stayed up late talking after everyone else had gone to bed, and I remember that I heard the Lord say, "He's the one." After I heard that, I told Lee right then I liked him and he told me that he felt the same.
Fast forward to June 2016, he proposed at the Botanical Gardens in St. Louis. He made sure that my mom and aunts were there. I was so surprised. I had no idea that he was going to propose. The ring box was hidden in the rose bushes. He asked me what the box was so I opened it and saw the ring. He got down on one knee and I started giggling and smiling. I'll never forget he said "Hey. I think you're really cool. I like you a lot. Maybe we should get married or something?" Of course, I said YES! So many tears were shed that day. It was a beautiful day!
Let me pause this love story to tell ya'll the pillow story!
So, we had gone back to my hometown to sing and play for a program at the church I grew up in. While there, Lee had gotten sick. Like congestion and fever sick. He was laying on my parent's couch, and threw the couch's pillows across the room because he wanted more room to lay down. I got so upset with him. We had a full blown argument over those pillows that lasted from the remainder of our time at my parent's house and the drive back home. We screamed and yelled at each other. It got so bad Lee pulled the car over and was about to kick me out on the side of the highway. We both thought these pillows would be the end of our relationship.
To understand why this argument was almost a deal breaker for us, you have to know that Lee and I don't argue. Does that mean we agree on everything? OF COURSE NOT! But it DOES mean that when we do disagree, we talk through why we disagree. We acknowledge when we are wrong and apologize to each other. Those pillows though? We weren't apologizing to each other. We weren't trying to hear nothing each other was saying. Those pillows took us to a level of anger and volume that we had never reached.
When we made it back home, we spent maybe 30 minutes a part which allowed us to calm down. We were finally able to come together to talk with level heads and come to an understanding of why we reacted the way we did.
Our wedding day was Saturday July 15, 2017. It was a beautiful day and ceremony. I sang to him, and he played for me. Singing is not something Lee is strong in so he had someone else come sing what he wanted to say to me. I always said that I wanted to shout at my wedding, and Lee made it happen. One of my favorite songs to hear in church is "To God be the Glory for the all the things He's done!" Lee knew that would send me in, and he made sure to add that in his tribute to me. The whole church went up and started shouting with us! If I could go back and relive that moment over and over, I would!
Lee and I have been married for almost a year and a half. Marriage isn't what people say it is, and neither is the first year of marriage. I can truly say that our marriage was ordained by God, and He has us in the palm of His hand. We have been blessed beyond measure even before we got married. I can't wait to see what else God has in store for us. I have confidence that we haven't even begun to see the favor of God fully revealed in us individually or collectively.
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I enjoyed reading about blessed love story😍 Keep communicating and listening. God bless the both of you😍